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Manual Therapy

Joint Mobilization 

Joint Mobilization   

 Helps restore mobility and reduce joint stiffness.

Myofascial Release 

Myofascial Release 

Relieves tension, increases motion, and reduces pain.


Muscle Energy Technique 

Improves range of motion and alignment.

Soft Tissue Mobilization

Soft Tissue Mobilization 

Helps improve flexibility, loosen tight tissues, and decrease pain.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Manual Lymphatic Drainage 

Stimulates lymph flow and decreases inflammation. Often used for post-surgery edema.

Strain Counterstrain

Strain Counterstrain 

Relieves localized tenderness and decreases tissue tension.

Trigger Point Release

Trigger Point Release 

Helps relieve muscle spasms, and pain.


Manual Traction 

Helps stretch the joints and realign the spine.

Passive Range of Motion

Passive Range of Motion

Improves mobility post injury or surgery. 

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